Tuesday, February 17, 2009


breakfast at a nearby cafe:))

XMD streets early in the morning- only like a few shops were open so we just walked around and took photos. LOADS.

our fave donut lion!!

cool graffiti- i was pretending to be strolling along naturally. did it come across well?

candid graffiti shot




oohh, graffiti even in the underground carparks..


she's my new twin!!

oohhhh, mirrrrooorrrsssss:))

i love sth. haha

my other new twin:DD

cute monkey mascot:))

along the stairway of this REALLY COOL RESTAURANT!!!

they have SWINGS for seats!!!! <33

this bday boy that we saw on the XMD streets. couldnt resist taking a photo with him:DD

a GREEN cherry><


squid in my mouth. unglam i know, but so.......fun?

the actual course:))

my horoscope at taipei main station

starbucks at taipei main station

dinner at taipei underground metro mall

failed attempt trying to get an elmo pouch:((

pika pika!

some guys bboying at the underground mall. tried to catch them in action but it was hard to pretend i wasnt taking photos of them....

supper time!!

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